John Callerame
Senior Software Engineer

About Me
Professional and personal introduction

Hi, I'm John Callerame. I'm a Senior Software Engineer based in the Boston area. Primarily, I do full-stack web application development.

I first started using a computer my parents bought for the family when I was five years old — an Atari 400 with a flat keyboard, a cartridge slot, and a cassette recorder for data storage. With the help of my parents I learned to write programs in BASIC. During my elementary and middle school years, I also learned to program in Logo, Pascal, and 6502 Assembler. Over the years while I was growing up, we replaced our Atari 400 with an Atari 1040ST, and then a Macintosh Plus and a PC clone (as they were known back then). In high school I took the few programming classes offered, learning C and Fortran programming on a VAX. At Tufts University, I studied Computer Science, learning about topics from user-interface programming to artificial intelligence, working mainly on Solaris and learning C++, Lisp, and Prolog along the way.

In my career, I started off doing Perl scripting, and moved on to Java, Javascript, and Objective-C, with a smattering of Swift. I've made extensive use of a variety of SQL databases, as well as MongoDB. As far as frameworks are concerned, I developed for a few years in a Java-based application server called ATG Dynamo, and I've worked with Apache Struts on a project of my own. I did a six-month project using Meteor, and I've worked a little bit with Angular 2. For the last three years, I've been rebuilding portions of Liberty Mutual's eService website using React, Redux, and Node.js.

Last year, in my spare time, I created an HTML5 app for Samsung smartwatches which shows MBTA bus, subway, and commuter rail arrival time predictions. I still add improvements to this app from time to time.

I've been learning about Amazon AWS at work over the past year and a half. Last fall, I became an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner. And just recently, I became an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate.

When I'm not programming, I enjoy running, riding my bike, playing pool, playing computer games, traveling, reading the Economist, watching movies, and going to the gym.
Expertise, experience, and education
Follow this link to see my resume.
Some projects I've worked on
Liberty Mutual's eService website is where the company's policyholders go to manage their accounts, their policies, and their billing, and file claims. I've worked on the eService Homepage, the Billing Overview page, the Manage Autopay page, and the Am I Covered page, the last of which lets the user select a vehicle and a scenario and shows whether or not the user's policy includes coverage for that scenario.

Available on Samsung Galaxy Store MBTA Tracker is an app for Samsung Gear S2 and newer smartwatches (including Galaxy Watch) which shows arrival time predictions for nearby buses, subway lines, trolleys, and commuter rail trains based on real-time tracking data provided by the MBTA. It also shows alerts put out by the MBTA that are deemed important to most riders. The app is available for purchase today on the Samsung Galaxy Store.
Available on Samsung Galaxy Store

Live Assist
Live Assist was an SDK that I worked on at CafeX which enables businesses to provide personal assistance to consumers on their websites and in their mobile apps. It enables the consumer to talk via video chat with an agent, and it enables the agent to draw on the consumer's screen, follow links and fill out forms in the consumer's browser, and push images and PDF documents to the consumer.

Kickstart was a web app I worked on at CafeX which enables users to easily create, customize, and test a Live Assist consumer client which can then be dropped into any web page by copying and pasting some HTML and Javascript code.

CanvasPaint is a web-based drawing and painting application that I created on my own in order to learn more about the HTML5 Canvas. It supports freehand drawing, lines, shapes, brushes, text, and flood fill. Browse the source or try it out!

Photo Gallery is a web application I created on my own in order to become more familiar with Angular 2, and also to learn Morphia, an ODM tool which persists Java objects in a Mongo database. In this application, you can upload photos, add and edit information about the photos (title, date taken, location, and notes), browse the photos, and delete photos. View more info and screenshots or browse the source code.
Contact Info
My email address
You can contact me at .