Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery is a web application I created on my own in order to become more familiar with Angular 2, and also to learn Morphia, an ODM (object-document mapping) tool. In this application, you can upload photos, add and edit information about the photos (title, date taken, location, and notes), browse the photos, and delete photos.

The front end is written in TypeScript using the Angular 2 framework. The back end is written in Java as a REST service, using Resteasy. I use MongoDB as the database and Morphia to persist Java objects in the database. I used GraphicsMagick to make thumbnails, or smaller versions of each uploaded image, to show on the gallery (browse photos) page. The im4java library handles communication between the Java application back end and the GraphicsMagick utility.

Here are some screenshots from Photo Gallery:

I invite you to have a look at the Photo Gallery source repository on Github.

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